Thursday, October 15, 2009

a creation of catharsis

I Realize that sometimes I forget,
But this is a reminder,
I Fucking Deserve Better.

I'm not asking for perfection or absolution.
I'm not expecting permanence,
But I Fucking Deserve Better.

I know it's hard.
Fear is potent.
The unknown abounds.
But I am here. Here is my hand.

don't mistake my empathy
for low self-esteem.

I know that I am a thing of beauty.
I feel it in my belly-
in the roundness, punctuated and imperfect,
I feel it in my hands-
raised fist and open palmed plea,
I feel it in my lungs when I sing,
in my teeth when I bite,
in my pride glazed cheeks after another day.

I feel my beauty in the depth of my soul
as the fears of this world yet again rip apart old beliefs to build new hopes,
as the thoughts I once revered come yet again under scrutiny,
as I watch myself transformed time and again
by the trials of this universe.

I am a thing of Beauty.
I see it, I feel it,
I hear it in the leaves as we mingle in the park.

I am proud of who I am
of my battle scars-
(not wounds)
I know my wounds will heal.
And even as I fear their lasting presence,
I know they are not a thing of forever.

I am Proud of my words. of my thoughts. of my loves.
I am a child of this universe.
No more than you.

No less.

I deserve to love. To love freely.
And I deserve love.

I deserve better than what I have fleetingly accepted.
I have (perhaps) misled you into thinking that I am just another
misanthropic masochist.
And that is my fault.

but i am not.

and I fucking deserve better.


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